Working With a Personal Trainer

WHAT A SESSION WITH A PERSONAL TRAINER IS LIKE A personal training session usually lasts about one hour.  Your first meeting with your trainer will be dedicated to looking at what program and exercises you are currently doing, estimate and evaluate your fitness level, set goals, take body measurements such as body weight, waist-to-hip ratio … Read more

The Personal Trainer Profile

GOALS A personal trainer helps their clients achieve certain fitness goals. For each client, target fitness level and goals can vary. THE HUMAN TOUCH FACTOR As a personal trainer, you are invaluable in so many areas. You need to have good people skills, empathy and presence. Some of the most important contributions from a personal … Read more

Experience Bank Guide

THE EXPERIENCE BANK The Experience Bank gathers information about your progress after completing a program. It also guides you to those other programs that you will most likely respond to the best.   1. Test exercise Each program has one to three test exercises, and each test exercise has an Experience Bank both for men … Read more

Strength Standard Guide

STRENGTH STANDARDS are objective benchmarks that show how strong you are when compared with other strength athletes. Strength standards are beneficial when setting goals and tracking your individual progress. We divide strength standards into body weight intervals and into five separate levels: untrained, novice, intermediate, advanced and elite. Each test exercise has one strength standard … Read more