The Workout Log


Click on the Workout Log on your mobile phone. The Calendar will display your current program. Green days represent completed sessions, red days represent missed sessions, blue days represent upcoming sessions and white days represent non-training days. If you tap on today’s session (dotted grey line), information relating to which body parts you are about to train, the name of the program and what type of week, will appear. Although you should adhere to the schedule for training days, you can carry out a session the day before or the day after allocated training day, providing these days are non-training (white) days.

We have three different types of week:

  • Test & training weeks: are always the first and last weeks of the program. This is where the Test(AMRAP) set(s) are performed in the Test exercise(s). The test session(s) are marked with a dotted orange line.
  • Training weeks: are those weeks in between the first and last week. This is where progression strategies are implemented.
  • Deload week: Usually the week before the last test & training week. This is introduced to reduce fatigue and enable recovery and adaption to occur.



Press “Start” to begin the current day’s workout in the Workout log where you will see:


Upper part/image:

  • Image of the current exercise.
  • Name of the current exercise.
  • Day and date.
  • A coundown clock set to the current set’s rest period.
  • Arrows to navigate back and forth in the program.
  • Undo icon: taking you back to the current set.


Middle part/program design:

  • Current set marked with an orange column.
  • Number of sets: example e.g., set 1 of 24.
  • Exercise name, method, rest period and tempo for each set.
  • Info icons: if you need further explanation.
  • Target load: the load you are aiming for.
  • Target RTF: how many reps you aim to have left in the tank after completion of the set.
  • Target reps: how many reps you are aiming for.


Lower part/logging section:

  • load: is the actual working load for the current set. Initially, the autoregulated load is the same as the target load. The target load is based on your input in the Pre-interview form.If Performed RTF and Performed reps are different from Target RTF and Target reps, the load on the next sets is either up or down regulated.
  • Performed RTF: tap minus (-) or plus (+) to log the actual number of repetition you had in reserve after completion of the set.
  • Performed reps: tap minus or plus to log the actual number of performed repetitions after completion of the set.
  • OK – button: tap OK when you have entered the performed RTF and reps, enabling autoregulation for the next set in the same exercise. The countdown clock will then start the countdown. The next set will then become the current set.
  • Undo-button: if you incorrectly logged the number of performed reps or RTF, pressing the undo-button will take you back to the previous set where you can make any necessary correction, and then press OK again.


Since the working/autoreg. load cannot be changed directly by the SA by overwriting it, the following may answer any questions you may have:


Q 1: What if the working load is too high?

A 1: Then you have probably not been completely honest or sufficiently accurate in the pre-interview form when calculating 1 RM in the program’s exercises. The consequence is also that the target load becomes too high and difficult to achieve.


Q 2: What do I do?

A 2: You may autoregulate the working load downwards by entering fewer Performed reps and/or Performed RTF, compared to Target reps and/or Target RTF. however the target load will not change.


Q 3: What is the remedy if the working load is too light?

A 3: You may perform more reps than target reps and /or have more reps in reserve (Performed RTF) than target RTF on completion of the set. Both will autoregulate the load upwards. Target reps is an objective measure and Target RTF is a subjective measure.


Q 4: What is the goal of autoregulation?

A 3: Autoregulation is a very useful tool that automatically individualizes load progression and allows you to train with higher loads on days when you have a low level of fatigue and vice versa. For example, on days when you have more energy you should be able to do more reps on the autoregulated load or have more reps in reserve (RTF), or both. This will upregulate the working load on the next sets for the current exercise. The goal is to create a trend where you exceed target load. Of course, there will be days when you also are fatigued and have little energy, so you will also be able to downregulate the autoregulated load. The effect of creating a trend where you exceed target load together with the implemented progression strategy, is to facilitate for an increase in your one repetition maximum (1 RM) in the test exersice.



The workout summary:

At the end of the workout you will see the workout summary. First you will be able to see how well you have responded to the session by comparing Total Target Volume Load with Total Performed Volume Load (set x reps x load). If you see a red and negative number you are not adapting well to the program. If you see a positive and blue number you are adopting well to the program. You can also see this in the Performance Table under Fatigue & Recovery monitoring. A negative number will point downward in the red area and a positive number will point upwards in the green area. The size of the bar indicates the size of adaption.



On a scale from 1 to 10, enter your:

  • Sleep level: how well did you sleep the previous night? Did you wake up tired or fully rested?
  • Energy level: Do you have full batteries, only half a tank or are you completely drained of energy today?
  • Stress level: Do you have many tasks to complete today, short deadlines and a lot to think about or maybe other matters that are stressing you out?


Your inputs are also visible in the Fatigue and Recovery Monitoring graph, which also shows the trend for the same parameters from session to session and throughout the program’s time period. In the Performance Table your average sleep, stress, and energy level is displayed under Lifestyle (average) for all sessions in the program.



Lastly, you can add additional information if you have any injuries and take some workout notes. You can read the workout notes in the Performance Table.


When you have completed the program and especially all the test sessions, you will get a thorough analysis of your results in the Performance Table.